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Welcome! We are currently accepting applications for Military and First Responder PTSD Mentoring. All information is strictly confidential. 

Please email us your interest in employment to or click on the New Client Application button below. 


Welcome Heroes to your victory over Post Traumatic Stress!


Complete healing comes from a willingness to serve others with the same or similar trials that we are fighting through. We are all in a battle of some human weakness that must become our strength. We become complete through physiological and spiritual health. Our purpose in life is directly related to our service to others, especially our comrades.


The Acts PTSD program is a life-changing methodology to bring purpose and new completeness that all humans need to overcome the effects of military deployment and other personal traumatic histories. 




Applicants should read the entire employment document before submitting their application. The Application is time-sensitive and appropriates funding for expense accounts and salaries according to Seniority and other completed practical and educational programs.

The Acts employment responsibilities include a daily login to their Legacy Group web page for mentoring needs from their appointed comrades responding to their social and life challenge reports, and other optional training for, Counseling/Mentoring Certification, and other tasks on “My Legacy Group” page which is given upon completed application and approval. Employment financial support and salaries range from $500-$2000/month part-time and up to $9000/month for full-time. Expense accounts are available at the entry-level positions subsequent to the mentoring certification. Acts non-profit status and methodology for PTSD healing are based on Christian Theological New Testament teachings for counseling, mentoring, and employment compensation. Non-Christians with PTSD are welcome to receive the same professional counseling and mentoring services. The employment document is the current Acts Constitution, Employment, Salaries/Benefits, Policies, Procedures, Leadership, Mentoring, Definitions, and other information that may be changed from time to time and notified to all Disciples, Employees, Certified Ministers, and contractors on an Introductory Employment status.

All military professional counseling/mentoring and family support services are provided at no cost.


Military & first responders PTSD hotline and home office: 833-287-3787 (National Toll-Free)

PTSD Program:


General Counseling:


Golf Fundraising Executive Director:


To inquire about corporate administration and large donations please contact our Founder: or text Christian for an appointment at 951-581-4200



*Acts Ministry Inc is IRS approved non-profit 501 (c) (3) since June of 2019

All copyrights reserved.  Any copy or reproduction of our PTSD methodology, golf programs, Hero Golf Challenge, Hero G22, Hero Days, discipleship program, or other published materials must be approved in writing by the Acts Ministry founder.       

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