Acts A-Virtual Counseling
What Acts PTSD Ministry is asking of our clients.
If telephone counseling/mentoring is what you and/or your family consider to be the most appropriate course, you will be sent a link to Zoom or Google meetings.
The use of A Virtual can sometimes be glitchy. Should your video call drop, please be assured that your counselor will call you right back. If the video continues to present problems, your counselor will call you to problem solve.
How to manage the stress of COVID-19
Moderate your consumption of social media and news coverage. Stay informed but try not to obsess about it or overexpose yourself to too much information.
Ground yourself: use your five senses to stay present rather than get carried away with worry. How you react and behave during moments of communal stress impact how others behave as well. Be a calming force.
Take care of yourself. Eat nutritious food and drink water.
Use the opportunity in the session to speak to your counselor about the balance between productive versus unproductive worry.
Reach out to your counselor if you need additional support.
Speak to your medical provider about ways to manage your personal risk.
In closing
If at any point between sessions you notice a level of fear or anxiety that is concerning to you or difficult to manage, please reach out by phone, text or email. We are here to support you – in your new journey as always.
Christian Snyder, PhD - IP, MDIV